class dlist SIZE: 24b
Dynamic list, an expandable array.
prop dlist.max SIZE: 8b POS: 0b
The available free elements in the list.
prop dlist.size SIZE: 8b POS: 8b
The elements in the list.
prop dlist.elemsize SIZE: 8b POS: 16b
The size of an element in the list.
prop SIZE: 0b POS: 24b
The data for the list.
const dlist.STEP VALUE: 16
How much elememnts to allocate when a list needs to expand.
proc START: 1 RET: 1
int[elemsize] => ptr[dlist]
Creates a new dlist.
proc START: 1 RET: 0
ptr[dlist] => _
Frees a dlist from the heap.
proc dlist.len START: 1 RET: 1
ptr[dlist] => int[length]
Gets the length of a dlist.
proc dlist.getptr START: 2 RET: 1
ptr[dlist] int[idx] => ptr[element]
Gets the idx element of a dlist.
proc dlist.pop START: 1 RET: 1
ptr[dlist] => ptr[element]
Gets the last element of a dlist, and removes it.
proc dlist.append START: 2 RET: 1
ptr[dlist] ptr[data] => ptr[dlist]
Adds a element to the end of a dlist, may reposition the dlist.
proc dlist.last START: 1 RET: 2
ptr[dlist] => ptr[element]
Returns the last element in a dlist.